European funding

1 Single Market, Innovation and Digital

Research & Innovation

Horizon Europe

Euratom Research and Training Programme


European Strategic Investments


Connecting Europe Facility

Digital Europe Programme

Single Market

Single Market Programme

EU Anti-Fraud Programme

Cooperation in the field of taxation (FISCALIS)

Cooperation in the field of customs (CUSTOMS)


European Space Programme

2 Cohesion and Values

Regional Development & Cohesion

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Cohesion Fund (CF)


Support to the Turkish Cypriot community

Recovery and Resilience

Recovery and Resilience Facility

Technical Support Instrument

Protection of the Euro Against Counterfeiting

Union Civil Protection Mechanism (rescEU)


Investing in People, Social Cohesion & Values

European Social Fund+


European Solidarity Corps

Justice Programme

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme

Creative Europe

3 Natural Resources & Environment

Agriculture & Maritime Policy

Environment & Climate Action

Project databases: List of databases of EU-funded research and innovation projects

Commission database of EU-funded reseach and innovation projects (CORDIS)

EU Health programmes project database

Financial transparency system

EIC Accelerator data hub

InfoRegio data on major projects

Intelligent Energy Europe project database

LIFE programme project database

Public-public partnerships (Archived website)

TRIMIS (Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System project database)

4: Migration & Border Management


Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

Border Management

Integrated Border Management Fund

5: Security & Defence


Internal Security Fund

Nuclear Decommissioning (Lithuania)

Nuclear Safety and Decommissioning


European Defence Fund

6: Neighbourhood & the World

External Action

Global Europe: Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument

Global Europe is the EU’s main financial tool to contribute to sustainable development, peace and stability across the globe.

Humanitarian Aid

Whenever there is a disaster or humanitarian emergency, the EU provides assistance for the affected countries and populations.

Common Foreign and Security Policy

The CFSP contributes to the objectives of preserving peace, preventing conflicts and strengthening international security.

Overseas Countries and Territories

Promoting economic and social development of the Overseas Countries and Territories, increasig their resilience and competitiveness, reducing vulnerability

Pre-Accession Assistance

Pre-Accession Assistance

Supporting EU candidate countries and potential candidates in transforming their societies, legal systems and economies, on the path to EU membership.