Classroom Management

Management of documents, handouts and student files

I love this resource for setting up the basic order for success. Just like we teach our students (and ourselves) that organization is key that can be difficult in eLearning (and even more difficult in blended learning when some content is in a binder and some online!
One strategy I have used in the past is encouraging students to use their agenda or create a table of contents so that when it comes time for test prep or exam review they have an outline what 'what we've done' and where it is located. The best part of this strategy is that it is fast, can be customize able (I have had students use a google calendar) and puts the ownership on them to ensure binders are organized.

One thing many students struggle with is digital 'binder' organization. Just the way we teach them to make a binder this link does a great job of showing how to organize files into folders to keep organized!


Why the issue is a problem: The temptation to copy and paste or plagiarise is a little higher in eLearning because you are using THE platform that students use to research and learn information.

Resources & Supports Available

Tips for Teachers Dealing with Plagiarism


Teaching About Plagiarism in the Online Classroom

Preventative Measures & Solutions: In addition to preteaching WHAT plagiarism is, consequences for plagiarism and how to avoid it you can also employ tools such as 'Turn It In' on D2L to ensure that larger assignments are cleared. This also motivations students to NOT plagiarise if they know the assignments will be checked.
Prevention here involves UPSTREAM teaching and thinking to try and establish expectations instead of dealing with it afterwards

This is a great resource for PRETEACHING including the idea of 'accidental plagiarism!


Why the issue is a problem: The internet has no DELETE button! People also sometimes say/do something online that they wouldn't do in a face to face setting. There is a level of removal to the interaction online - especially if students don't know one another or are not even close within physical proximity. Bullying and cyberbullying are an issue in every regular school - moving school 'online' only exacerbates the opportunity.

Supports available & resources for further reading to help you address these issues: This is an awesome online resource to help you address cyber bullying backed by York U and Queens U. It resources for parents, students and even legal ramifications.


Possible solutions & preventative measures: Check out this list of Facts & Solutions! Great resource to use in the classroom. The biggest component is to try and use upstream thinking. Teach the expectations involving netiquette, be vigilant on what is and is not acceptable or appropriate in your course. It is a fine balance between encourage conversation and building rapport and conversations that get out of hand. As educators in the digital world we have to proactive!


Group Work

Why the issue is a problem: Even within the traditional classroom students can be less then thrilled with group work. For some the online course will allow their strengths to shine and for others, add more barriers. This can add even more challenges to group work as the disparity between work ethic, time online, strengths and weaknesses can be exacerbated

Supports available to help you address these issues: Discussion at this link revolves around the difference between collaboration and interaction which has been a comment/concern/point of note in every single AQ course I've taken online. Working individually and as a group to create authentic and relevant feedback can be hard. Even harder in some group tasks since the barriers to effective work habits can be larger in the first place.

Resources available for further reading

Ways to Increase Collaboration



6 Top Tips To Improve Online Collaboration In eLearning Projects

Preventative measures & Solutions
-Set CLEAR expectations
-Give examples or exemplars of what you mean
-Give lots of opportunity for students to 'practice' working together in a variety of formats to see what kind of 'output' is created
-Give feedback regularly with enough detail to clarify what is working and what isn't

Safety on the Internet

Why the issue is a problem: According to the SCDSB Website: "Technology a wonderful research, homework and communication tool for students. It can also present a host of risks for youth including online predators and bullies."

Resources available for further reading - SCDSB Online Safety


Supports available to help you address these issues: Linked document is the Ontario Ministry of Education Safe and Welcoming School Environment.

Preventative measures you could put in place: Set up expectations with your students at the very beginning. Ensure your demonstrated and discuss what information is safe and appropriate content.

Possible solutions to the problem


Why the issue is a problem: Social media is growing at an exponential rate. In fact, in many cases teaches are encouraged to make professional accounts and use them. Twitter is especially popular but also instagram is growing in popularity. They are helpful tools to communicate with familiar but sometimes the lines can get blurry with what is acceptable.

Resources available for further reading - SCDSB Guidelines for Teachers Using Social Media


Supports available to help you address these issues

Preventative measures you could put in place: The Do's and Don't of Social Media for teachers is linked here. Lots of similar resources online but this one raises a few thoughtful notes

Possible solutions to the problem: Treat it like we do any classroom behaviour. Establish success criteria and learning goals with your classes at the beginning of the learning (start of the course) and then model and applaud desired behaviours. It can be a little easier in the digital world to moderate inappropriate content or comments but requires vigilance and getting to things quickly before they would get out of hand - though this is true of any issue in any classroom!

Attendance, Discpline & Completion of Assignments

This best resource I found for these sections is actually an ELearning Handbook put out by SCDSB. To address all the expectations for the Attendance discussion check out paragraph at the end of the second page. It combines the two topics nicely with the chart on the 3rd page on when and what interventions can be done. I liked the specific step by step recommendations and the actions that go along with them! 'Attendance' in regards to eLearning is, for me, centralized around the idea of engagement and participation in postings, discussion boards, and activities. This addresses concerns when that isn't happening. I can't see a date on the release it self but I do like the content! For me attending and participation are very closely related in the eLearning environment, more so than the traditional classroom. This has to do with the fact that sometimes students can, are are expected to come and be present and listen as part of the learning cycle. Online requires this different level of intrisinc motivation that extends beyond just heading to the classroom. Students must 'show up' by engaging in content (reading or watching or listening) and completing work.


Floating topic

Floating topic