


In this novel, I believe one of the most powerful characteristics I can use to describe Maverick is loyal.

“'A'ight, let's say we move,' Daddy said. 'Then what? We just like all the other sellouts who leave and turn their backs on the neighbourhood. We can change stuff around here, but instead we run?'" (Thomas 180).

This quotation expresses Maverick's loyalty because his main reason for wanting to stay in Garden Heights is to continue to help provide a legal source of income to those in his community. Even after the Carters leave Garden Heights, Maverick realises that he can still help his community, which was his ultimate goal


The second characteristic that Maverick displays is selflessness.

Maverick spent time in jail to leave the King Lords because, after Starr was born, he realised that taking care of his children was much more important.

Maverick made it his mission to prepare his children for the harsh realities of life. He taught them how to deal with police encounters, the Ten-Point Program, how to combat police brutality, and many other things.

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The first characteristic I would use to describe Lisa is protective.

“The basketball court.” Momma straightens up and laughs. “She said the basketball court.” Her laughter stops, and her voice gets louder with each word. “I’m walking around here, worried out of my mind, and y’all at the damn basketball court!” (Thomas 150).

Lisa is frustrated in this quotation because her children left the house while it was unsafe. Her expressing her frustration in this manner demonstrates that she cares about her children's safety. Lisa also demonstrates her protectiveness when the Carter family's house is shot at; she dives to protect her children, potentially risking her life.


Another characteristic I can use to describe Lisa is empathetic.

“She turns around, tears streaking her face. “That wasn’t some li’l friend of hers. That was her son, you hear me? Her son!” Her voice cracks. “She carried that boy, birthed that boy. And you have no right to judge her.”

The following quotation shows her empathy because, even though Khalil's mother was not present for him, Lisa understands the pain she is experiencing as a result of her son's death. In this situation, unlike Starr, she looked past Brenda's wrongs to Khalil and tried her best to assist her.

Lisa and Maverick are the two characters I've chosen to write about. Lisa, in my opinion, is a static character, whereas Maverick is more of a dynamic character.