Kategorier: Alle - trauma - hockey - identity - opportunity

af Emily Campbell 2 år siden


Indian Horse

A young Ojibway boy named Saul Indian Horse navigates a life filled with challenges and opportunities. Taken to a residential school, he endures traumatic experiences but finds solace and a sense of identity through playing hockey, a skill nurtured by a compassionate priest.

Indian Horse

Indian Horse


Has seer intuition powers
Natural talent for hockey
In rehab for alcoholism

Did alcoholism affect his hockey career?

Has trauma from residential school


Keep pride in your identity.
"I became Saul Indian Horse, Ojibway kid and hockey player." -page 86
Take the opportunities you're given.
"I'd never been offered choice before." -page 97


Person vs self
Saul vs his Pride

"My body hurt, but my pride hurt more." -page 106

Sometimes, when someone is better than me at something I'm good at, I feel the same way.

Saul vs Loss of identity

"All that I knew of Indian died..." -page 8

Person vs Society
Saul vs Town Hockey Team

"...They don't want you to play anymore, Saul." ... "It's because I'm Indian, isnt it?" ... "Yes." -page 91

Person vs Person
Saul vs Family


Saul excused from St Jeromes for hockey
Father Leboutillier comes to St Jeromes, teaches Saul hockey
"We were Children" has a Nun who shows compassion to the children in the way Father Leboutillier does

How often were there compassionate nuns/priests in reality?

Saul is taken to St Jeromes
Saul's brother escapes a school, prompting family to move