Kategorier: Alle - policies - land - diseases - resources

af Jack Nasmith 13 dage siden


Ethics and Policy Issues around Uncontacted Indigenous Tribes

Uncontacted indigenous tribes are groups who either remain unaware of the outside world or consciously choose to avoid contact. These tribes face significant threats, primarily from land theft for agriculture or commercial purposes, which disrupts their way of life and leaves them voiceless in matters affecting their existence.

Ethics and Policy Issues around Uncontacted Indigenous Tribes

Ethics and Policy Issues around Uncontacted Indigenous Tribes

What are the uncontacted tribes?

What is happening that is wrong?
They have no say in anything

No say in what diseases and sicknesses are brought into their community

No say in whether or not they are contacted

No say in their land

Their land is being stolen and used for agriculutre or money making
They are groups of indigenous people who either don't know about the outside world, or they know nad simply don't want to be contacted

Solutions / Ideas

DO support the groups such as survival international and the Amazon awareness group
Stop supporting the companies that are involved in deforestation and abuse of the natural resources
Spreading awareness
News websites / feeds

Survival International

The Guardian


The "Amazon awareness team" is a group who, as the name says, spreads awareness about topics such as the uncontacted tribes in the amazon

Social Justice Issues

Some groups of missonaries are trying to force their own culture onto them
New diseases
Colonizers have a tendancy to bring brand new diseasies to the uncontacted tribes. Their immunity systems have never seen this sicknesses before, making them very weak to it
Forcing them to relocate
Deforestation has many effects , one of which being the destruction of homes of many
Assimilation of their culture

Policy Issues

Indigenous people have their own way of living
Some people are trying to change their ways and not giving them a choice
If they are forced out of their own land and into modern society, they don't exactly have the same sort of "Valuable" belongings that we do. This makes it very hard for them to find a new life when their old one is destroyed
When it comes to defending themselves in a politiclal way, the uncontacted and indigenous tribes don't exalty have a way of hiring legal protection, if they even know anything about the policies and rules we have
They have acsess to much less resources / weaponry that colonizers do, making it a less than fair fight
No one is asking the indigenous people their opinion or for permission or anuythung of the sort, despite it being their land