Kategorier: Alle - analytics

af kupa bronwyn 6 år siden


Big Data Analytics and NoSQL

Big Data generally encompasses data sets characterized by high volume, velocity, and variety, making them unsuitable for traditional relational database management systems. To address these challenges, non-relational database technologies, collectively known as NoSQL databases, have emerged.

Big Data Analytics and NoSQL

Big Data Analytics and NoSQL

Data analytics.

Predictive analytics uses the information generated in the data-mining phase to create advanced predictive models with high degrees of accuracy.
Data analytics is a subset of BI functionality that provides advanced data analysis tools to extract knowledge from business data.

Major components of Hadoop ecosystem.

3.Direct Query Applications
2.Data Ingestion Applications
1MapReduce Simplification Applications

primary characteristics of Big Data.3Vs

Volume—the quantity of data to be stored Velocity—the speed at which data is entering the system Variety—the variations in the structure of the data to be stored

Hadoop Framework

The Hadoop framework has quickly emerged as a standard for the physical storage of Big Data. The primary components of the framework include the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce


A new generation of database management systems that is not based on the traditional relational database model.
No SQL is the unfortunate name given to a broad array of non relational database technologies that have developed to address the challenges represented by Big Data

What is big Data?

Big Data generally refers to a set of data that displays the characteristics of volume, velocity, and variety (the “3 Vs”) to an extent that makes the data unsuitable for management by a relational database management system.