Content Curation 
for Education and Learning: 
Robin Good @Emerge2012

Content Curation
for Education and Learning:
Robin Good @Emerge2012

This map is reachable at:

What is Content Curation

What is Content Curation

Content curation is the act of researching, finding, filtering, editing and collecting valuable information resources into me

Content curation is the act of researching, finding, filtering, editing and collecting valuable information resources into meaningful collections, guides or galleries to help a specific group of people make sense/learn or be updated on a specific topic.

Curation comes from the Latin verb: "curare" which means "taking care of someone".

Curator: Wikipedia

Digital Curation: Wikipedia

Content curation is NOT the same as social sharing, reposting/retweeting, liking or favoring a specific content item.

The difference is in the "intent"

The question to ask is who are you
doing this for?

Social sharing and personal expression are about "me" and what
I like and find "interesting".

Curation is about making sense of a topic/issue/event/person/product/etc. for a specific audience.

Content Curation definition
Rohit Barghava:

Content Curation definition
Robin Good:

Why is Curation so relevant for
Education and Learning?

Why is Curation so relevant for
Education and Learning?

10 key reasons

10 key reasons

1) There is an abundance of information that needs to be organized.

1) There is an abundance of information that needs to be organized.

The goal is not anymore to learn or memorize it all, but to be able to identify which parts of it are most relevant to a certain goal/objective.

It's the age of sense-making.

The importance of new literacy skills

critical thinking skills

critical thinking skills

needed to navigate online info while being able to evaluate its reliability

2) A Growing Number of "Open" and Freely Accessible Teaching/Learning Content Hubs

2) A Growing Number of "Open" and Freely Accessible Teaching/Learning Content Hubs

The growth of Open Content initiatives and repositories shows that there are opportunities to create more value from the exis

The growth of Open Content initiatives and repositories shows that there are opportunities to create more value from the existing educational content available out there.

Open Courses everywhere



edX Coursera Participating universities: 16 Launched: 2011 Classes: 111 Total students: 800000

Khan Academy

Khan Academy



In 4 months Udacity has more than 5 times the number of students currently enrolled at Stanford and more active students than the combined enrolled student population of Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton and Yale in 2010.





Video: What is a MOOC

Creative Commons

Creative Commons

Open Content

Open Content






Announced on May 2, EdX is the joint creation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard. The partnership strives to bring online learning to people across the globe and offers online classes for free. EdX courses include videos, quizzes, feedback, and more to help students navigate the material.

Directory of of Tools for Storing 
Open Educational Resources

Directory of of Tools for Storing
Open Educational Resources

Collection of Open eLearning Content Repositories

Collection of Open eLearning Content Repositories

3) From a Static, Unchanging World of Information To a Constantly Changing One

3) From a Static, Unchanging World of Information To a Constantly Changing One

The key goal is not anymore just to learn and master the key principles and discoveries of the past. It is rather to be able to monitor, filter and evaluate which are the most relevant information sources to utilize when constant change and new discoveries are the new status.

Digital literacy skills are therefore of the essence for both teachers, educators and learners alike.

Digital literacy skills are those skills needed to navigate and utilize the world of information equipped with appropriate research, analysis, critical evaluation and collection/curation abilities.

4) Real-World Information Is Not Held Inside Silos Like Academic Institutions Pretend

4) Real-World Information Is Not Held Inside Silos Like Academic Institutions Pretend

While the academic world, from elementary schools to universities is basically organized around subjects, the "real world" is a complex web of situations in which the "fields" we studied for so long but separately in school, are all deeply and constantly intertwined.

Curation fits in as a more appropriate approach to learning and to prepare for real-world work challenges, by allowing learners to construct meaning by having to research and to understand and to create new relationships between different information-elements.

By studying a topic through the creation of specific knowledge-artifacts such as collections, learning guides and data visualizations instead of through the memorization of lots of information separate information units, allows not only for discovering the true relationships between apparently distinct issues, but also for the discovery and comprehension of a topic from multiple complementary viewpoints.

Curated digital collections facilitate information seeking through well-designed collection structure (in other words, the organization among collection components), which should clarify relationships between collections and sub-collections, and at the same time accommodate expectations of both users and system managers

5) Fast-Food Information Consumption In Rapid Decline - Curation Is the New Search

5) Fast-Food Information Consumption In Rapid Decline - Curation Is the New Search

Google has lost its "mojo"

People want to go from fast-food information access to quality and comprehensive info-hubs, possibly not-driven by commercial/advertising interests.

Linear text results sorted by secret algorithms are not good anymore to provide valuable quality answers and explanations.

It should be us, those who search, to establish how we want to slice and dice information results.

6) Job Market Is Rapidly Changing
New Skills Needed

6) Job Market Is Rapidly Changing
New Skills Needed

Outside of traditional professionals as doctors and engineers, companies are looking more for skills and experience than degrees and certificates.

Fact: (in the US) 17 million college graduates have jobs that do not require a college degree

That's "over 30 percent of the working college graduates in the U.S."

The value of traditional CVs and resumes is rapidly fading

The value of educational certifications and degrees in the work world gradually fades.

Epic 2020

"The diploma serves as a screening device that allows businesses to narrow down the applicant pool quickly and almost without cost to the employer, but with a huge financial cost to the individual earning the diploma (often at least $100,000), and to society at large in the form of public subsidies."

"...diplomas are a highly expensive and inefficient screening device used by employers who are afraid to test potential employee skills..."

From the New York Times: "...Mr. Zimmer warned against viewing the workplace as a “collection of buckets or isolated specializations,” and he emphasized the interconnectedness of different fields and skills."

The Apollo Research Institute reports on what are the future work-skills needed

The Apollo Research Institute reports on what are the future work-skills needed


10 skills that we believe will be vital for success in the workforce:
ired outcomes

Transdisciplinarity: literacy in and ability to understand concepts across multiple disciplines. More about transdisciplinarity.

Virtual collaboration: ability to work productively, drive engagement, and demonstrate presence as a member of a virtual team. More about virtual collaboration.

Sense-making: ability to determine the deeper meaning or significance of what is being expressed. More about sense-making.

Social intelligence: ability to connect to others in a deep and direct way, to sense and stimulate reactions and desired interactions. More about social intelligence.ility to represent and develop tasks and work processes for des

Cross-cultural competency: ability to operate in different cultural settings. More about cross-cultural competency.

Cognitive load management: ability to discriminate and filter information for importance, and to understand how to maximize cognitive functioning using a variety of tools and techniques.

Novel and adaptive thinking: proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions and responses beyond that which is rote or rule-based

Computational thinking: ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract concepts and to understand data-based reasoning

New media literacy: ability to critically assess and develop content that uses new media forms, and to leverage these media for persuasive communication

PDF download

7) Alternative certification systems are emerging: Open Badges

7) Alternative certification systems are emerging: Open Badges

Tuition costs for certified academic programs are at an all-time high while value of this courses on the job market keeps decreasing.

When Professors Print Their Own Diplomas, Who Needs Universities?

When Professors Print Their Own Diplomas, Who Needs Universities?


Bloomberg: Study This to See Whether Harvard Pays Off: Laurence Kotlikoff

Open Badges

8) Teachers and professors can now curate their own textbooks

8) Teachers and professors can now curate their own textbooks

"...teachers can (and should) take control of their courses by creating their own interactive textbooks"

iTunes U

iTunes U




Collections and Lenses

Collections and Lenses

Mc Graw Hill Create

Mc Graw Hill Create

OpenStax College

OpenStax College

9) Educational Marketplace Open to Thousands of Competitors - Anyone Can Teach a Course Online

9) Educational Marketplace Open to Thousands of Competitors - Anyone Can Teach a Course Online

There is a large availability of free or affordable tools to create, find, edit and publish valuable content

There is a large availability of free or affordable tools to create, find, edit and publish valuable content

OER Author

OER Author

There are now tens of learning marketplaces and platforms that allow anyone to offer and sell courses online.

There are now tens of learning marketplaces and platforms that allow anyone to offer and sell courses online.

Resource: Online learning marketplaces and teaching platforms

Today, anyone can become both a "resource", a supplier of content as well as a curator/editor/publisher of new curated content resources such as book collections, expert guides, curated and annonated lists of resources, examples and templates galleries.

The educational marketplace is now open to thousands of small competitors.

The educational marketplace is now open to thousands of small competitors.

It becomes increasingly easy to find and get in touch with the brightest people in every area of interest.

It becomes increasingly easy to find and get in touch with the brightest people in every area of interest.

Knowmia - Thousands of video lessons from great teaches around the world

Marketing is education - Education is marketing

100 Resources to Create an Online Course


In the same way that the dissemination of music is no longer owned by a handful of music companies and book publishing is no longer controlled by a handful of book publishers, education is no longer the exclusive realm of large, formal institutions.

10) Growing Demand for Trusted Guidance Over Learning Content and Curricula

10) Growing Demand for Trusted Guidance Over Learning Content and Curricula

With so much abundance and difference in quality, learners express a growing demand for trusted guides to help them in selecting quality learning sources.

There is a growing need to find relevant and reliable resources when the offer becomes so broad

Finding and selecting quality open educational resources

Here is a good example: Noodle

Here is a good example: Noodle

Collaborative - Social Curation 
is the Future

Collaborative - Social Curation
is the Future

Collaborative curation project
for emerge2012

The goal

To collaboratively edit a collection
of great examples of "curation" at work in education and learning.

How we are going to do it

By collaboratively editing a mindmap
where each one can add a relevant web examples of a curated collection that has been used for education or learning

You need first to free register at

it's free

Additional resources
on Curation:

Content Curation World

Content Curation World

Pinterest board: 
Content Curation Visualized

Pinterest board:
Content Curation Visualized

Video compilation: 
What is content curation

Video compilation:
What is content curation

Video channel: 
Content Curation World

Video channel:
Content Curation World


Content Curation and Related Resources

Beth Kanter

Beth Kanter


Howard Rheingold

Howard Rheingold



Examples of Great Curated Education/Learning Collections

Examples of Great Curated Education/Learning Collections

Curation at work:
great examples





Open Aftermath

Open Aftermath



Squidoo pages


Examples of content curation at work

Content Curation Tools

Content Curation Tools

Education specific



McGraw-Hill Create

McGraw-Hill Create













Content Clippers



















YouTube Playlists

YouTube Playlists



























Content Curation Universe
All of the content curation tools

How curation tools can enhance academic practice

How curation tools can enhance academic practice


Quora: What are the best curation tools

Mindmap of Curation Types and Examples

Content Curation: How To Approach It If You Are Just Starting Out

Content Curation: How To Approach It If You Are Just Starting Out

1) Find great curators

If you want to combat information overload, I see this as one of the surest ways – find people who are already doing a great job making sense of the areas you care about. Follow them. Engage with them. Encourage them.

2) Learn how to be a curator

If you really want to learn a body of knowledge or skills (or whatever other learning area you define), it is really hard to beat becoming a curator for that area. In a sense, this is what academics have always done. They focus in on a particular discipline and spend their lives researching, writing about, and (less and less) teaching it. The good curator does much the same, though typically in a less formal way and with no promise of tenure.

Who are your curators?

"A curator of information is really just a good researcher and organizer of information and this should be part of language arts, social studies, science, and other areas."

Students becoming curators of information

Link to original comment

Educators as Curators: 8 Steps to Bringing Your Students the Best of the Web

Educators as Curators: 8 Steps to Bringing Your Students the Best of the Web


by Jennifer Funk

Key benefits of 
content curation

Key benefits of
content curation

For academic institutions /
For training organizations

a) Opportunity to create new value from their existing resources and assets

a) Opportunity to create new value from their existing resources and assets

b) Opportunity to create new value instead of "imparting" and certifying old information.

c) Opportunity to become true incubators of talent

Talent development

Become breeders of talent for the industry

Become breeders of talent for the industry

d) Opportunity not to depend in the future from the binding of teaching and certification

e) Opportunity to become the new Google of knowledge
Curation is the new Search

Library collections (both digital and physical) are resources that provide evidence for inquiry, serving archival and logistic roles. Thus, an important criterion for evaluating collections is their ability to serve as evidence for learning.

Educators as Curators

Educators as Curators



Education is the New Marketing

Education is the New Marketing


For learners

Immersive and holistic/comprehensive approach to learn any subject, collaboratively

Students as "curators"

Students as "curators"


"Critical and creative thinking should be prioritized over remembering content"

Curation trains students in developing the very skills needed in the future

Developing Future Workskills Through Content Curation

Developing Future Workskills Through Content Curation

Allows to learn and comprehend a topic in a multi-dimensional way

Allows to learn and comprehend a topic in a multi-dimensional way

Helps learners see the "forest" from the trees

Helps learners "see" and understand the relationships and links that connect various domains and activities.

Learning by composing a puzzle that includes research, investigation, collecting, editing and presenting.

Learning by composing a puzzle that includes research, investigation, collecting, editing and presenting.

It provides an opportunity to  generate on an ongoing basis  learning and sense-making collections immediately useful for oth

It provides an opportunity to generate on an ongoing basis learning and sense-making collections immediately useful for others

Next practices in learning and teaching

Next practices in learning and teaching
